Náš produkt HomeBrain byl nominován za ČR do soutěže WSA Mobile Content!
Mezinárodní IT experti každoročně v rámci konference World Summit Award Mobile vybírají nejlepší mobilní aplikace. Do této soutěže se letos dostal i náš produkt HomeBrain.
International IT experts select best mobile apps for UN-based World Summit Award Mobile.
They guide wheelchair users to the next elevator, track earthquake victims, monitor elections, or provide cash transfer opportunities for unbanked migrant workers. Mobile apps have become a lot more than fancy gimmicks. But what is the world’s best when it comes to mobile content? This year, czech product, “HomeBrain” has been nominated for the World Summit Award and will compete for its place among the world’s best mobile content.
Being one of the apps that made it through the national pre-selection process “HomeBrain” settled the race in the category best mobile solution and may soon rock the international stage.
Home TV Computer “HomeBrain” integrates all necessary electronic equipments from “today´s households”, audio/video and communication areas in to the one unit. It´s so easy manageable, that it “breaks down” all barriers of using modern technologies by “nontechnicaly” oriented people and seniors.
International jury decides
In September, an international jury of renowned IT experts and industry leaders will evaluate the nominated product. Jury members come from all continents and have backgrounds in the creative industries, telecommunication, advertising, journalism and research, as well as in teaching. The jury also includes representatives of international organisations in the ICT-for-development field.
“Consequently, it is not a product’s commercial success that matters most for the jury”, emphasizes Peter A. Bruck, Chairman of the WSA Board. According to Bruck, the Grand Jury will judge the value of the content as well as the product’s design and its technical realisation. Furthermore, each nominee’s contribution to bridging the digital divide will play a central role for the jury.
“WSA-mobile’s goal is to find out what works in different markets and in different parts of the world and what really makes a difference for the people in remote villages and global megacities. We want to show to decision makers what can be done to foster mobile’s potential to create a true information society”, states Bruck.
On top of the mobile world
For czech producers, the WSA-mobile is a chance to raise global awareness for their products and enter the international stage. Those projects that will come out on top of the Jury’s decision will be invited to the WSA-mobile Winner’s Events taking place February 3rd to 5th 2013 in Abu Dhabi. The event will host an exhibition, offering a platform for the awardees to present their services and projects to potential partners and investors. Furthermore, the event will include a conference attended by renowned experts, opinion leaders and government representatives, turning Abu Dhabi in the hot spot of the mobile world.
About “HomeBrain”
About the World Summit Award Mobile:
Organised by the International Center for New Media (ICNM) in Salzburg, the World Summit Award Mobile is a global initiative within the framework of the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The award takes place on a biannual basis, in collaboration with UNESCO, UNIDO, UN GAID and WSA-mobile’s key partner Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Center.